10 Ways to Get Him to Buy the Engagement Ring you Really Want

Afraid of being less than thrilled when he pops the big question? Not sure how to hint to your boyfriend about the engagement ring you have your heart set on. Here is our list of 10 ideas sure to get him to buy the engagement ring you really want.
1. Keep Close Friends & Family in the Loop- Men know how girls love to talk and may ask your bestie or sister for some tips. You never know when this moment may come about so be sure they are up-to-date on what style of engagement ring makes your heart swoon. This way if he asks for their advice, they have the right answers.
2. Create a Pinterest Board- Be sure to flood your board with your favorite looks and designs. For an added bonus, leave your own comments to explain what you love about each design. It gives your man a direct look into your favorite styles.
3. Browse on His Electronics- Use his tablet to do a little shopping and 'accidentally' leave your favorite ring minimized on his home screen.
4. Tag Along Shopping- Have him tag along with you to your neighborhood jeweler to get a watch battery replaced or an old chain repaired. While you’re waiting you're waiting, browse over the bridal selection and make your favorite designs be known. Most associates will love to play along and will be ready to help you conveniently window shop.
5. Celebrity Crushing- Have a favorite celebrity who just got engaged? Use the news as an opportunity to chat about their enormous rock and how it compares to what you would pick if you had those kind of funds. He may not be able to buy you your celebrity sized rock, but perhaps a similar style that fits his budget.
6. Keep Your Finger Size Accessible- Make sure he knows where you keep your current jewelry, such as jewelry box, so he can easily access another ring for your finger size.
7. Sweet Dreams are Made of This- Share the details of your recent dream in which you were wearing your “perfect ring” and let him know all about it. Think that may be too direct- Share a recent nightmare where you were wearing that ring style you absolutely loathe. Either way is an opportunity to spoon feed him some information.
8. Honesty is the Best Policy- Sometimes hinting isn’t necessary. Find the right time to send down and talk about the future, getting married and what engagement ring would be the perfect one when you say YES.
9. Let Your Friend’s Big News Become Your Feedback Moment- Tired of watching friend after friend show off their new bling and make their big engagement announcement? Instead of sulking in jealousy, take advantage of the moment to offer your feedback on their ring and talk about what the future groom did to get the right, or how they got it wrong for the future bride.
10. Design it Together- If you know your heart is set on something completely unique, suggest sitting down with a designer and custom create your ring together. You can be a part of the entire creating process, but remove yourself of the process when it comes to the final stages such as setting the diamond and polishing. While you will have a heavy hand on the rings design, you will still be completely overwhelmed when you see the finished product as he gets down on one knee.